I am a tea enjoyer. I enjoy tea as much as you do, but more then you do. That is how much I love tea.
My tea is customly made by myself, of years of practice and skills, all poured out into the hot, loved tea pot, to be poured out of that for my
I am proud to say that I have not touched plain, old water in years. When i absolutely must, I put on the most expensive, most protective gloves
I could find.
It keeps me alive, I need it. I need it more then you do, I need it more then the moral system does. Why must I pay for what I need? This is all
I need, all I ever will need.
I sleep in tea, I live with tea in my veins. My brain is floating in tea which I have made with the bones of three thousand year old monkeys. I
studied for years to find out it would not kill me.
Actually, with my 20 years of hard work and brain power, I have been able to replace the self, with tea.
I am sane, this is my passion. This is science, this is a breakthrough, this is perfectly fine. I am perfectly fine. My tea is perfectly fine. I am, the tea
I have a room in which i spend months at a time studying what's left of my former self to atom by atom, replace it all that's worth working
for. There are no lights. I have advanced beyond the need for lights. My hands, pulled where they need to be by the tea, and the tea only.
To a skeptic, their eyes would be convinced of magic.
The world's problems, could all be solved. By myself, my tea.
My passion, my work.