character index;

hue - evil slime dude runs train service, funded by the beings higher above then space (government)
"arley" - naive tourist alien who cant leave earth because hue enjoys your pain and suffering. kind dude (arley.)

hue give alien man funny ticket and makes him sign a totally allowed contract saying he accepts the fact that he's basically entertainment for
a bored train conductor
-= the train station itself is pretty much empty, only for the brave and the lost to stumble apon.
arley (nicknamed by hue,) arrivies in 7/11, mistaken for an epic cosplay that disregards phycials ("wowowow see through ankles thats cool what'd you use man???") and
he's confused but gets a free drink because the lifeless cashier is cool and the plot is holding him hostage!!
he kinda just stands there for a minute trying to figure out where his back ticket is but he can't find it so uhoh
-=back ticket - good name for a device that allowed you to go to a point outside of the range of yourself (go home)
he is now one the sidewalk of a neighbour hood or something and he basically wakes everyone up because wowow everything glows, isnt that neat at 1am?
The people sure think so! if out of fear or out of "no" they call the police and hide.
arley just kinda leaves, but also walks right into the police car because he's stupid and weaker then a normal human if without weapon
gg good going you got yourself free food so then he uses his funny plot armour and summons axe
his funny axe is the only reason he's alve