A hosptial was for the sick, mentally or phycially. Most people in this building with mental
problems were the doctors. Stress Hell.
Of course, you probably know this. Perhaps you've stayed in this expenisve place yourself.
You truly haven't seen anything. Truly a picture of insanity itself, we have this big city hospital.
The only real runner of this hospital was a man who couldn't bother to actaully care.
Good idea right?
Well anyways, he decided to not replace the people that left because of the pure chaos that
became the only thing slowly rotting away their brain.
Two doctors left and a nurse.
Not much to work with, but one of these doctors had a plan.
His name was Ian.
Ian himself, was probably way in over his head. From when his shifts are over, he goes home
to the same thing, but to his own blood.